Monday, August 20, 2007

A Fresh Start

Things have been crazy here in the valley. We just finished moving from Florida all the way across the country to Oregon. My husband and I drove our van and a uhaul the entire seven day journey with our three daughters.
Let me just say, "Three kids, three colds, one mini-van, seven days...I don't ever want to move again!"

Some of my family is in Oregon, but we had to leave his family and my mom behind in Florida. I feel terrible that we had to leave, but I know it was the best thing. We don't want to settle for suburban wasteland that gives us little and takes too much. Our dreams cannot be accomplished there, our family cannot flourish there.
The past few years have not been easy for us, but I see that things are going to get better. I don't know what God has in store for us but I am excited for our fresh start!

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