This year I am trying the Square Foot Gardening Method. I needed an organized and simplified way to jump into the world of growing food. It was overwhelming to me how much information there was and how many different methods could be used. This method, as found in Mel Bartholomew's Square Foot Gardening is almost too simple. I am so excited!! It isn't a huge garden but a lot can be grown in this amount of space. Someday, as I add more beds, I hope to be growing enough to supply the family's vegetables for the summer and to store a good amount for the winter. I'll keep updating, as I can, with my progress.
So far I have:
- made the 4X4 boxes
- laid them out with a weed barrier beneath (shown in the picture)
- bought and mixed the soil mixture (1/3 Vermiculite, 1/3 Compost, 1/3 Peat Moss)
- purchased some starter plants and the seeds I need
Tomorrow I will:
-put the soil in the beds (with my husbands help - yippee!!!)
-put in the plants
This Week I will:
-make the chicken wire cages to protect the plants
-make and buyt any support trellises or cages
Since I am too late for a spring crop I hope to get a good summer crop and then at the end of summer I'll replant for a fall crop.
Thanks to Anne at her blog for the info. she shared on start-up cost. I look forward to seeing her garden grow and how our two gardens compare.
A word to the wise: If you are doing 4 boxes by yourself, spend the extra time to divide the soil components into three batches and then mix. It is back breaking work trying to mix it all at once (You'd think I would have been able to guess that after lifting the bags to the car.)
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