Monday, February 19, 2007

Aprons Against Peanut-butter-fingers.

No matter how hard I try, the peanut butter fingers always get me. My two year old daughter, who is now VERY two, always gets herself covered in sticky goo (typical). After any event involving food, or glue, or anything sticky, I naturally approach her with a wet washcloth. But without fail she always manages to leave at least one smudge right around my knees and usually on the back of my skirt where I don't notice it until the day is through.

I have an apron but it is the typical chef style apron and it does little good when it comes to small children at knee to hip level. What I need is something with more coverage. Latetly I have found a lot of material about the apron on various blogs . I think that it is wonderful that women have found the courage to say that they actually like their aprons. It is a very practical item to have but it should also be something you love, something beautiful that makes you feel good when you wear it. It should be a joy to put it on in the morning, it should be a pleasure to look at, so that we are always an example of beauty and grace to our families. It should also give us some satisfaction at the end of the day to take off all the mommy grime and remember that we are still individuals.

If I had to choose a pattern I would choose one like the one in this picture. The pattern is available at this site. Because I always wear dresses and I have three daughters under the age of five I like this style. It looks feminine and it has enough coverage to protect against the unavoidable peanut butter fingers. If you know of any other beautiful, and easy, patterns that I might be able to use, let me know. When I get around to making one of these, I'll let you know how it turns out. If you have discovered the benefits of a great apron please comment!

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